Who Is Elon Musk What Was His Strategy To Success?

Who Is Elon Musk
 What Was 
His Strategy To Success?

 "Who is Elon Musk?" explores how a boy from South Africa changed the world’s auto, banking and space industries and became the richest man on the planet. 

As a child, Musk spent a lot of time coding and sold his first company for $500 at 12-years-old.  

In his early career, he teamed up with his brother Kimbal to launch Zip2, an internet city guide, which was later sold for $305 million. This success sparked a new passion in Musk, who took his share of $22 million to build another company. 

"I think that really whet his appetite for creating things, for doing more," Heritage Foundation fellow Kara Frederick told Fox Nation. "So, you'll see that's a common thread in his life. He doesn't just create a company, start something, take his cash, and stop. He sleeps on couches. He can barely afford to pay his rent, even though he is technically a millionaire at this point, to create more, and more, and more companies." 

Musk’s next mission was taking on the big banks and he started a project which would eventually merge and become PayPal. 

Though both of those projects were certainly successful, Musk’s life mission and "crown jewel" was founding SpaceX. 

"Who starts up a rocket ship company?" FOX Business host Liz Claman said. "There is the joke: Want to know how to make $100 million in the rocketry industry? Start with $200 million, because you're going to lose a lot of it, but he was ready for it, because he had always dreamed of creating this type of company." 


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